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3 Strategies for Rent Roll Growth in 2021

Amy Sanderson from YourPorter, recently caught up with Ellen Bathgate, The Rentroll Starter and Kirk Stafford, The PM Coach, to get their view on rent roll growth.

More specifically they discussed “3 Strategies for Rent Roll Growth in 2021” and we are, making that content available to you, compliments of YourPorter:

Click Here to view the PM PowWow video

Click Here for 12 FREE Scripts, Templates and Examples from the PM PowWow

With Amy’s last 10 years’ experience as the Network Head of Property Management for a trans-Tasman group, and having worked extensively as a Property Management Consultant, she is always available to be a soundboard, or to offer a different perspective. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this, or any other property management concepts & we will arrange a time.


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